A World Without Slaves

An Open Letter for A World without Chains

On 12th March 2009 a representative from La Alameda met with members of the Dignity Returns cooperative in Bangkok. After discussing the factories’ respective goals and difficulties, members decided to jointly produce and advertise sweat-free goods both to act as a model for viable worker-operated garment production and to raise awareness about non-exploitative labor. Expanding their existing media networks and activist alliances, both cooperatives would participate in a coordinated campaign about safe and ethical consumption, while addressing abuses specific to the garment industry’s global supply chain, which depends upon the exploitation of gendered, migrant, and subcontract labor in Argentina, Thailand, and throughout the global South.

No Chains Fashion Show By Dignity Returns

No Chains Fashion Show By Dignity Returns


The No Chains project model will hold quarterly t-shirt design contests that invite the direct collaboration of artists, designers, and art collectives with the workers of La Alameda and Dignity Returns, of which February 2010’s selection will be the first installment. The momentum generated by a joint brand consistently renewed by artists’ participation, coupled with each cooperative’s longstanding commitment to labor activism, will enable No Chains to serve as a platform that highlights various labor struggles throughout the globe, connecting artists, consumers, and supporters at these important global flashpoints. While maintaining this momentum through the projects’ stability, both La Alameda and Dignity Returns will remain open to the prospect of collaborating with other worker-owned factories that wish to join in producing under the No Chains brand.

Photos below: Dignity Returns Factory in Bangkok, Thailand.

No Chains

The clothes produced in typical garment factories, trap workers in chains – in chains of debt, chains of control by bosses who care for money and not workers – and chains of global production, where many parties grab profits that come from the blood of workers. In two extremes of this world, two cooperatives have emerged against these forms of production. In Thailand the cooperative Dignity Returns was formed by workers in the struggle against the demolishment of the factory where they worked, while in Argentina the cooperative 20 of December (La Alameda) was forged in the fight against the exploitation and the slave labour in clandestine workshops that serve the big garment brands. In both histories it is clear that we share similar values and missions. We have created democratic ventures and we have demonstrated that production is possible without bosses and without exploitation. Both cooperatives have launched their own brands free of slave labour, like “Mundo Alameda” and “Dignity Returns”, symbols of the fight for decent work.

The agreement made in March 2009 in Bangkok, to launch a global brand free of slave labour, was the natural consequence of the common values and histories of the two cooperatives, united now by one objective: to break the chains that bind us.

This project was born of an idea, a meeting between workers. No Chains is an initiative, a challenge to change the conditions of slave labour which millions of men, women and child workers of all the countries in this world are working in. It is not just another brand, nor simply a self-managing enterprise based in decent work. It is above all, a call to the garment workers and responsible and ethical consumers in all parts of the world, to achieve garment production that respects the dignity of the workers, without exploitation or enslavement. We dream of incorporate a growing number of cooperatives and responsible consumer groups in the whole world, around the global brand free of slave labour, we dream of a network instead of a chain. We aspire to create an enterprise managed by its own workers, for the workers.

Two cooperatives in two extremes of this world, united now to work and fight, to promote forms of decent work, free of the chains of slave labour that now dominate the garment industry. Together the cooperatives of No Chains establish before the world: No more chains in the garment industry!

We invite you to know more about us and promote our products, to participate and collaborate from whatever part of the world you are in, to break together, all the chains that enslave us.

“None of us are free if one of us is chained”